Friday, February 17, 2012

The Conversation App

With the introduction to the iPhone4S and "Siri", we can now talk to our phones like their our number 1 confidant. Let's take it a step further though. What if there was an app that we can not only talk to a robot, and they spit out programmed answers, but if the robot knew us on more a personal level. What if they knew our moods, knew how to cheer us up and encourage us, knew what motivated and inspired us. Shared similar interest with us (e.g. on the golf course, this app would say "nice shot dave. You are improving your putting game, but your drive still may need a little work. We should head over to the range at least twice a week to work with that new hybrid driver). What if they can even be more intimate than that? Showing affection, spending quality time with us, doing something nice for us. Sharing a romantic evening at Red Lobster with us, celebrating your one year anniversary since your upgrade to the new iPhone4S.

Wait hold on a minute. I feel like this does exist. And it has nothing to do with our cell phones.

My number 1 pet peeve, is having dinner with my friends looking so forward to chilling with them, catching up, being encouraged, etc, but they are spending more time and energy on their smart phones. I remember one night I almost walked out of the restaurant, as all I saw were a row of downcast heads looking at glowing white screens. What do I do when that happens? Should I try to make conversation with myself? Should I try to make conversation with my cherry pepsi glass?

Just recently I went out to the phone store, to get a new phone. Taking advantage of this time to upgrade, I eagerly exchanged my Blackberry Curve for a... Motorolla Flip Phone. That's right a dumb phone. A phone that can only call and text. A phone that brings back what our society lost a long time ago.. a connection with people, not technology. Not only that, but I was so tired of information overload. I was so tired of waiting for that blinking red light to appear on my phone, notifying me that I got a message. But when I saw who it was, it was only junk email from, or a stupid facebook notification. Or even worse, instead of spending time studying the word or having an enriching prayer life, I would spend some time playing a stupid game on my phone. Even when my intentions were to pray, how did I subconsciously gravitate to my phone? No more.

Now I don't want you to take this the wrong way. Everybody has iPhones now, and thats fine. I'm not against iPhones. I'm against a disconnection from people. Some time where we should spend with valuable conversation, we spend in our own little world. That's all good that we keep up with the latest technology, as technology can make things easier for us. We just need to preserve that valuable conversation time with loved ones.

God Bless!
