Saturday, February 23, 2019

Ladles and Life Seminars

I recently had a group of friends over this winter and wanted to prepare hot chocolate in a crockpot. I wasn't quite sure what to serve the hot chocolate with (having very limited cooking skills). Would my friends just scoop up the hot cocoa with their own cup? That didn't make much sense... I'm missing something...

Answer: A ladle!

My friends pointed this out that I was missing a ladle to serve with. They looked at me in disbelief! You don't have a ladle, Eric?! EVERYONE HAS A LADLE!!

That's when it hit me... What else was I missing? I then started imaging that somehow I missed this really important "life seminar" that everyone attends when they turn 22. The very first lesson of that life seminar is that "Everyone Needs a Ladle".

Feeling like I am 'missing something' has always been a deep fear of mine. I feel like I constantly compare myself with my peers and coworkers, and look at what they have versus what I don't have. I'm not sure why I do that, as it never leads to any positive thoughts.

Then when you read scripture, it says that God created us in His image and that we are God's handiwork (aka masterpieces). And it also says that "He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion.." (Philippians 1:6). Passages like this allow me to get rid of those thoughts that I have a missing piece. It instead allows me to focus on my unique skills, abilities, and strengths. I then focus on what I have, and how I can use my abilities to serve His kingdom. It gets me out of my own head and allows me to see a bigger picture.

Maybe you feel the same way. That you have missed out on a life seminar that everyone else attended, and you feel behind the eight ball. That is not the truth! You have a unique set of skills, strengths, and abilities that God gave you. What makes you different, makes you great.