Hey Everyone!
Sorry for such a long hiatus. I really did enjoy writing these blogs, but then time just got away from me! I figured I'd get back to you with some thoughts I've had in the past few months or so. So happy belated Thanksgiving, and Merry Christmas! Looking forward to such a great time of the year! I will try my best to keep this going!
I was at a friends house not too long ago for a Thanksgiving gathering. We were sharing a nice meal together, then afterwards brownies were passed out followed by my favorite hobby--drinking coffee. Such a good time to share stuff with friends, what we are thankful for, whats going on in our lives etc. Then something happened which inevitably happens during get togethers with a group. One of our friends asked, "So are we going to do anything? We should break out a board game or something." Thats when Apples to Apples or Monopoly is pulled out from a closet. And for the next hour and a half to two hours, we play a board game. A game that you really need to focus on to play. A game that I'll probably be TERRIBLE at.
Another instance happened like that a few months ago. I was at a party of sorts. There were about 8 or 9 of us sort of just "chilling". The host of the party anxiously says, "So.. what are we doing? Let's get a board game out!" Basically saying we are just sitting in a room staring at each other, we should really be doing something right?
There are two kinds of people in this world: Task-Oriented people and Relational-Oriented people. We need both type of people in this world to help each other out. I've really started to notice what kind of things I like to do in a small group setting, and what kind of things I could do without. I really love just "chilling" over a meal, or a cup of coffee. I really love deep conversation with a real close friend. Bonfires in the fall, or a nice hike in the summer time. Activities that involve participants, but not necessarily something that requires your full attention. Something that can be put in the background, while building relationships is in the foreground. I'm more of a Relational-Oriented person.
There are some folks out there who would much rather play a video game for a few hours. Play a game of cards, or a board game. They love friends, and having people over but they would much prefer to center around an activity to prevent boredom. I even know some people where they would'nt hang out with a friend if the activity sucks to them (e.g. Art Musuem, Concert, Theater).
Like I said, we need both types of people. Relational-Oriented folks might never stick to a task without task-oriented folks. And Task-Oriented folks might learn to find new hobbies or new ideas with relational-oriented people.
So what do you want to do? I don't know about you but I want to continue sipping my coffee and having a nice conversation with you.
What type are you?
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