Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Whispers in the Night

"Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper." 1 Kings 19: 11-12

Have you ever hoped for God to speak to you in a huge way? Like you're faced with a huge life decision, and you just wish God could show up with fanfare and let you know clearly which choice to make? I know I have. Especially here recently; the older I get I feel like the more confusing things get.

The above passage comes from 1 Kings in the Old Testament. Elijah is about to be in the presence of the Lord on this mountain. The Lord informs Elijah that he is about to pass by. While Elijah was waiting for the Lord, he came across a violent wind, an earthquake, and even fire. None of these phenomenon's revealed the Lord's presence though. Instead the Lord came in a gentle whisper.

I love this passage so much! It really speaks to me. It's insane to me that the Lord reveals himself in a gentle whisper, instead of something huge! A lot of times I wait for something huge, but all along as I'm waiting He is just right by me, closer than my next breath, and He is just whispering to me.

Do you ever hear His whisper? Not audibly maybe but a simple nudging, or just a sense. I know I sure have. In high school I remember creating these "get away" spots, when I was feeling bad, or lonely, or confused. I remember real late at night playing basketball at the bottom of my street by myself. I was just shooting hoops and talking to God, and I felt Him close by. I remember escaping to Tower Park, and in the woods praying, feeling, and listening. I remember in college feeling God's presence one night at midnight. I came back after a late bible study, and was starving. I went to Mcdonalds drive thru, and sat on the hood of my car just having a conversation with Him. After college, I remember this one Thursday night, I had an interview the next day. I went to another one of my get away spots with an awesome view of this airport and it's runaways. As I was looking at the stars, and watching planes take off, I was just praying to Him, nervous about this big interview. He comforted me.

Is He whispering to you in the night? What is He saying? You just have to listen real close. Don't expect something huge. While you are hoping, and waiting for something HUGE to happen, He is already gently whispering to you.


  1. Thank you so much for posting this! This is exactly what I needed to hear today. God is that still small voice that I sometimes get too distracted to hear, but He is always there waiting for me to stop and hear Him. This is a year for me to stop and hear the voice of God.

    1. You're welcome! Distractions are everywhere it's crazy! So glad to hear :)
