Monday, December 27, 2010

Crazy People

First off, I'd like to say, Merry Christmas and Happy New Years everyone! I was going to try to come up with a Christmas themed blog, but I couldn't really think of anything!

Something did happen on Christmas Eve at work though that inspired me to write this blog. At this point I would like to say that by "crazy people" I don't mean people with mental illnesses, or chemical imbalance issues of any kind, because that is not a joking matter (and the PC police would for sure be after me!) But while I was at work, taking/preparing carryout orders, I got very flustered about a situation. Here's what happened...

Some older guy with dyed black hair came up to me and said that he had ordered two pumpkin supreme pies. I told him to hold on for just a few moments while I looked through the future orders report. While I was being extremely professional and said "hmm, looks like you're not on the future order reports.. let me check on the computer" he kept on repeating in a very harsh tone of voice "NO, NO NO! DONT TELL ME THAT! DONT TELL ME THAT! I ORDERED THOSE PIES THE OTHER DAY. I ORDERED THOSE PIES THE OTHER DAY! I ORDERED THOSE PIES THE OTHER DAY!

You get the picture

So, again, very professionally I said "I know sir, I understand. I'm so sorry. I dont know why you're not on here. Let me go ahead and ring you in those pies, I will talk to my KP person, and we'll get those pies out to you quickly okay?"


As soon as he exhausted himself from complaining the KP person quickly prepared his pies, and two minutes later I was bagging them up for him, while he was still complaining getting me all flustered.

Crazy People. I really don't understand them. First of all it's Christmas Eve, why not be more joyful? Secondly, if he would've just listened to me for a second instead of rant, he would've realized that we had his pies, it was just that the manager who took his order the previous night didn't enter his order in the computer, but just wrote it and put it in the office for future reference. Thirdly, I don't believe that pies is something to get that upset over, even if we did make a huge mistake. My friend worked at a call center for a couple of months, with customers calling in about TV problems. When I say "calling in" I mean "cussing out". And I've never seen my friend so upset and flustered in his life.

It's just food... It's just TV...

For everyone who works in a customer service role, I applaud you. They can suck the happiness right out of you. Even when you are being extremely professional, and doing everything you can, they don't return the favor by being resonable human beings. Please, send me your stories through Facebook or whatever, and we can vent together!

Merry Christmas!

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