Thursday, May 12, 2011


"Never let yesterdays dissapointments overshadow tomorrow's dreams."
-Auther Unknown

On of my favorite things to do is sleep. Now before I dive into a blog about sleeping, let me point out first of all, that it's not going to be a blog about laziness, or agreeing with Bruno Mars' sentiment about not doing anything. While it may be nice to not have to do anything all day (especially when I'm not going on vacation this year!), feeling unproductive isn't the greatest feeling in the world. What this blog is about is hope for a better tomorrow, dreams, rest, and being still for the Lord.

When you have a long, hard day there is nothing better than falling into bed, with all those pillows, and covering up so that your head is the only thing thats exposed. During this time, my mind is racing so fast. I just think about so many things, and I think about all my "problems". Then I close my eyes, and pray. Sometimes I just can't think of what to say. I mean what do I ask God? He knows everything that's going on. Maybe the best thing to do at times like this is to be still. Wait for the Lord. Listen for the Lord. I think sometimes we are so impatient. I know I am. It's moments when you crawl into bed, and your body is aching, and your just so tired that you can have that one on one time with your creator. I remember going to this one seminar at a christian retreat. We stood still in silence for 20 minutes. It felt kinda uncomfortable. But the guy pointed out that it's important to be still.

I love dreaming. I'm still not sure the science behind such visions, and pictures. All of them though are so unique and interesting. When I was smaller, I used to have lucid dreams, in which I could control where I go when dreaming! Now, I barely remember them. But when I do they are always so fun to think about and tell. Maybe there are hidden meanings in these dreams?

Perhaps my favorite part about sleeping though is when I first wake up. Not necessarily waking up at 7:20am for work, when I had moments of insomnia the previous night. But when I had a full nights rest, and I wake up. The first thing I see is my ceiling fan whirl around. Then the sun peaking through my window blinds. Not to mention the birds singing their morning songs. I always try to think of it as a fresh start. The first day of the rest of my life. Just like the quote at the top "never let yesterdays dissapointments overshadow tomorrow's dreams". Yesterday is now apart of the past right? It is day 1, so let's go out there and accomplish our goals and dreams!

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