Sunday, October 3, 2010

Post Graduation Blues??

PLEASE tell me that I'm not the only one suffering from this phenomenon? We go to school all of our lives, and then we are kicked to this curb called 'the real world' where everyone has ties, and mean scowls!

So far my experiences don't even include interviews! I'm fresh out of college, and on the job hunt (with seemingly no end in sight!) I apply for stuff that requires experience (you need experience to get experience!) and then I go to all these job fairs, which I get scared when some salesman type guy with a pink tie approaches me. No thanks, I'll go to that booth where they have cool looking stress balls.

So I come to the conclusion that I suffer from "Post Graduation Blues". Imagine, if you will, this scene. The end of August comes, and a majority of my friends go back to school, while others go to their careers. I'm in this crazy limbo where I have NEITHER. It's actually more of a pseudo retirement life... While I go out of the house to grab a bite to eat, exercise, or go to my local library, I'm surrounded by seniors! I guess it doesn't help that the library is conveniently right by a nursing home BUT STILL.

As I'm on this job hunt, there are a few things that I'm trying to combat these blues: try new hobby's, have lunch with friends, and don't be way too obsessive about applying for jobs. As far as new hobby's go, I've been trying to run recently. Running is great. The only problem is I'm terrible at it! Do you run with just your toes, or do your heels touch too? IDK.

I think the best advice though comes from above. My mother gave me this card for graduation that said:

In the ever-changing circumstances of life, there is a faithful, never-changing God in control

And then finally, this verse from Proverbs always makes me feel better:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5

Isn't that comforting! Why should I have blues after hearing that? In the grand scheme of things, thats really all the advice you need :)

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