Sunday, October 31, 2010

Prisoner of Hope

Return to your fortress, O prisoners of hope;
even now I announce that I will restore twice as much to you.
Zechariah 9:12

I often use a whole line of prison metaphors to sometimes describe my feelings. "I need to break free" "I feel like I'm in a prison", "Lord get me out of here!"

The thing is I do feel like a prisoner! A prisoner of worry, fear, and discouragement. I feel like I need to break free from it all, before I can realize my true potential. I feel like I have alot to offer, but I can't do anything because I'm in this prison.

Maybe I dont need to break free. Maybe I just need to become a prisoner of hope. I'd constantly look on the bright side, and I'd constantly have a smile on my face. "Eric, your car just broke down, why are you smiling??", "Eric you're working 50 hours a week, but you never complain or seem groggy!" I couldnt help it because I'd be a prisoner of hope.

I got this idea from the minister/author Joel Osteen, in his book It's Your Time. This book lifted me up, as every other sentence was inspiring! Another idea he was talking about was the fact that we are "closer than we think" to our goals and dreams. Even though things might seem tough now, that might mean we are even closer! He gave the example of a pregnancy, and how the first couple months arent too bad, but then it just keeps on getting worse. But then obviously things get dramatically better when you hold your child in the hospital for the first time.

I just thought I'd share this inspirational message, as it's been on my mind lately. Until next time... Keep on hoping and praying!

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